Emergency Medicine

Dr. Erick Were


  • physician manned four bed capacity Emergency room {ER} and then transferred to our four bed capacity ICU with a one – to- one nurse – to – patient ratio complimented by an intensivist / intensive care doctor. The unit currently offers the following services:
The Services offers:
      1. Mechanical ventilator / respiratory support for critical patient that fail to breathe on their own.
      2. Invasive central venous and arterial blood pressure support and monitoring
      3. Intra – unit surgical operations when necessity arises
      4. Intra – unit daily laboratory and radiologic patient diagnostics as per identified patient need
      5. Daily multi – disciplinary reviews i.e – by differing specialist doctor as per identified patient need.

DR Erick Were –  PHYSICIAN

Our Lady of Consolata Kisubi Hospital is a well advanced, modern and updated hospital committed to providing quality health care.
Our team is always available to give you a worm reception and professional care during your hospital stay as our motto says ‘’service with love’’ We are committed to serving our patients with love.

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Call us now if you are in a medical emergency need, we will reply swiftly and provide you with a medical aid.

+256 700 541 667

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